A Quatable Day
I want to share with you my day but i feel it would not do justice to it. I met with three different people all who shared some invaluable information with me on the environment, Care of Creation Kenya (don't want to abbreviate that one) and their vision for their country. Such passion! Ok so i'm struggling to put words into sentences and sentences into unified paragraphs, so as one of my prof's say's bullet it!
- Sudan meaning land of the black people.
- But it's run by Arabs.
- Huge conflict between the Africans and the Arabs
- Pushing Arabs out. (along with Islam)
- Africans (mostly Christian)
- Did you know Christianity was in Africa before Europe?
- Big challenge: We have the gospel of salvation but not a kingdom living.
- It's like, "Trying to get to heaven through the back door."
- Did you know about over the last 100 years money was introduced in Kenya? (Thanks to the British the concept of money is all too real here.)
- New age environmentalism has really confused people. In the sense that the Church separates itself from environmentalism because it carry's the connotations of being a secular thing. "Mother Earth idea." (does this make sense, maybe this is changing??) Perhaps that's why the Church of North America is a sleeping giant on an environmental crisis that is gaining momentum in the hearts of the people and across the land.
- Work became before the Fall. (interesting. Never thought of that. We all think work is a result of sin. )
- Book to look into: "Rich Christians In an Age of Hunger." By Ronald J. Sider
- Why do us North Americans think our way is the better way?
- Holistic living or Wholistic living. What's the difference? Is there one?
- Sometimes i feel like 'white' people are so good at screwing others up real good. Eg. Native Americans - loss of culture, identity. Africans - poverty, loss of culture, loss of all of things i can't even begin to list. What do we replace all these losses with? Superficial lifestyles, huge environmental crisis, fragmented, individualistic societies, ect. (care to add to the list??)
I can't seem to make any sense of the things going through my mind. My dear friends, family, community of people as you continue in your daily lives i pray that you live with an open mind. The world is not always as it seems. What may be normal to you is not normal to many others. What you think is right maybe so wrong. I'm beginning to dissect my thoughts. Why do i think the way i do? Well that's all for now.
"If the mind of a campesino (peasant) is a desert, his farm will look like a desert." Flores & Sanchez
You're thinking about your thinking - good for you. It's hard to take your worldview and turn it upside down.
Some of the same issues that we were challenged to think about at our Teacher's Convention
I think this is one of the biggest lessons that I have been learning too right now. Sometimes its easy to think that we are out to change to the world, when the world actually comes to change us, or at least make an impression anyways. Its so hard to articulate sometimes.
Hey there sister,
It is good to hear that you are doing so much not only for the Kenyan people but also for yourself. What I mean is learning how the learn and think. I hope that you never stop. In all of your vocations that just doesn't mean paid jobs.
Love what you are doing.
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