Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I have SO MUCH to do but i just can't help myself. I miss talking with my online community. (that's you) I have completed the data collecting part of my internship. Although I'm sure survey responses will continue to trickle in. So it's time to hibernate and write. Analyze data, make notes and write. The scariest time for me. It's really when the rubber hit's the road so to speak time.

I've been out of town for the last few day's and will be leaving again for a week. It's a combination of work and play trips. I'm not really sure where to start because so many things have happened.

1st Trip - On Thursday (nov.2) I took a bus to Voi (about 4-6 hours, can't quite remember exactly) to meet up with two very passionate and active men. They have educated me in a number of different ways and for that i'm very grateful. I plan to write a case study on their work. I also was able to meet another man who has affiliated with the Care of Creation. He too had a lot to share with me. I feel i have seen a lot in so little time. Very overwelming. But in a good way. I just hope i don't forget and that i write an adequate report.
Left Voi for Mombasa (the coast). That was one hot Matatu ride. And of course being squished in your sweat mixes with the next person's beside you. Oh by the way have i told you how bumpy the roads are here? Potholes are normal and are expected. In fact i don't even think they are called potholes. Haa. Spent a day and a half at a resort. I feel almost ashamed to admit that. It was hard to enjoy because i couldn't really justify it. I felt truly guilty. Plus it doesn't feel right to be at a resort by yourself. It was almost weird to not be the only white person. Anyhow enough of that.

2nd Trip - Leaving on Friday for Tanzania. Meeting up with a close friend for a Safari and participating in a two day exursion on food security. I'm sure I will have lot's to say after that.

I have a few random things to say. Moments to remember I guess.

1. In one of the community's we visited on Friday there was an old church that was becoming a museum. Here in a community that had no electricty or running water was a church over 100 years old. There was a feeling of reverance and awe being in this old structure. The simplicity of the design gave me a feeling of sacredness. I wish you all could have been there with me and in a way you were! Standing at the pulpit i looked out and could imagine a century of believers coming together to worship their God. This community sat high up in the mountains so looking out the open doors was a truly magnificant sight. A truly awe inspiring moment.

2. We visited a few different families in one community. The children were involved in a program where they took tree seedlings home to plant. (amoung other things) These are children who are either orphans or have lost one parent. (most likely to AIDS) It was there that i realized i will never understand deep poverty. How can i even comprend it? Seeing it definitly exposes me to poverty but really understanding it is something i think i will never know. It was special to see what some people are doing for others who are poverty stricken. Hope exists in leaps and bounds!

Well my friends i know this blog really doesn't cover it all and for that i apologize. I didn't take NEAR enough pictures. Yikes. I will try to post someone ASAP. I am almost down to one month left in this beautiful country. Can you believe it! I'm fighting time now. My plate overfloweth, both in work and in blessings. (i guess work is a blessing too in a way)

In the quiet and hectic moments of your day I ask that you pray for peace in the hearts of all mankind and for the land. Lately in the news there has been a lot said about Saddam Hussein. And somehow despite the crimes against him i feel a broken spirit. Free will is not something to take lightly. I don't want to end on a dark and depressing note. So i will end with a beautiful poem sent to me by my dear sister! Enjoy!

The Slip by Wendell Berry

The river takes the land, and leaves nothing.
Where the great slip gave way in the bank
and an acre disappeared, all human plans
dissolve. An awful clarification occurs
where a place was. Its memory breaks
from what is known now, begins to drift.
Where cattle grazed and trees stood, emptiness
widens the air for birdflight, wind, and rain.
As before the beginning, nothing is there.
Human wrong is in the cause, human
ruin in the effect--but no matter;
all will be lost, no matter the reason.
Nothing, having arrived, will stay.
The earth, even, is like a flower, so soon
passeth it away. And yet this nothing
is the seed of all--the clear eye
of Heaven, where all the worlds appear.
Where the imperfect has departed, the perfect
begins its struggle to return. The good gift
begins again its descent. The maker moves
in the unmade, stirring the water until
it clouds, dark beneath the surface,
stirring and darkening the soul until pain
perceives new possibility. There is nothing
to do but learn and wait, return to work
on what remains. Seed will sprout in the scar.
Though death is in the healing, it will heal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah
Good to hear that you are back at Brackenhurst. Sounds like you had quite the adventure and you have quite a big job ahead of you. We will continue to pray for you and all the you stand in need of.
P.S. Can you post your writing ie. your papers, case studies, etc. It would be interesting to read them.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah i am glad that you are back! I can just see and hear as you look at what you have to do yet and, it seem a little daunting but yet you are excited to dive in and do it!! Go and giver her!! Good luck and God bless

7:30 PM  
Blogger dan brouwer said...

busy busy...hope it goes smoothly. Take care Sarah

6:11 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

Hey there, now that you had your trip im sure you are glad to be back in your temp. home. Stay focussed and get on top of your work, you can do this thing. And you have this weekend to lookforward to: Lindsey and a Safari. Use that as a motivator to get some things done this week yet!
Good to talk to you again.

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your blog. It was great talking to you this morning too. Thank-you Skype and 'fog day'. Thank-you, Dr.Sorley for the wonderful health care in Kenya. Glad you are feeling better Sarah. Thank-you God for travelling mercies and all your good gifts.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I miss something???? Dr. Sorley? Hope and pray that you are on the mend....blessings, many of them from us in B.C.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Silver Bullet,
The girl just never says everything. Somewhere between her home and the resort she had some bad something. She figures food poisoning but she was also talking about parasites. Sounds like she had an agonizing couple of days. Craig's father is Dr. Sorely and he was able to fix her up. (Hopefully he also gave her some good advise about what to eat and drink.)

5:20 AM  

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