Friday, December 01, 2006

The confessions of a Procrastinator

Oh, sigh. It's been over a week since i last blogged. I confess it is the procrastination in me. I feel like i should be writing something exciting, something with a 'wow' factor. I'm sorry to disappoint you but i've been stuck with my research notes and my word processor. Don't be fooled that doesn't mean i've written the paper. I'd like to say that i've been writing a beautiful, flowing paper full of insight. But that would be a lie. As it stands the most important part of my paper has yet to be written. Fear can drive someone to do something but it can also drive them away from doing something. I've been prolonging the huge effort needed to write the meat of this paper. My audience is not just one professor. Oh how badly i wish it was. This is the part of my internship that i could just skip over with a flying leap and not look back. Well i must go. I'm heading into Nairobi to renew my visa. I'm late so let's hope they don't lock me up or kick me out of the country!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Procrastination is somewhat the result of wanting to be perfect.
( IE:My audience is not just one professor. ) We think that right now we just can't quite find the time or the energy, or the words to get it right so we might as well not start. It's a very difficult thing to deal with. The mountain is too high to get there today so best not start climbing cause we won't make it today. I think probably the best way to get there is to just start with a few baby steps, without looking at the rest. Then we look back and go Hmmm... a few more can't hurt, and then we look back, and go wow, and we are sometimes suddenly inspired to go like crazy. Then we get bogged down, stop for a bit and the cycle starts all over again. Don't know if that helps but that's the experience of this life long procrastinator. It's sort of a metaphor for all of life. If we go forward out of the abundance we already have, it's a lot easier than to be reaching for what we feel we don't have. ( Heard that last line in a sermon this past Sunday ) Blessings on your work Sarah. We are all praying for you.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah

So good to see you are well. Hope the rains in Kenya have not too badly affected your work.
When we are faced with monumental tasks, such as a completed paper may seem, or even a visit, I am reminded of a little speech given by my friend Ary, entitled how do you get 6 elelphants in a VW? The answer of course, like all big tasks, is one at a time.
Keep well


9:14 PM  
Blogger dan brouwer said...

procrastination - sounds like school right now for me.

8:01 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

your dad is wise, Sarah. Good advice, I think.

thinking of you today friend. glad to hear from you once again.

6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah,
An up date would be nice. No pressure or anything. But I guess no news is good news that you are working on your paper. Right?

4:32 AM  
Blogger LindsayAnne said...

you can do it sarah:)
thats all i have to say.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh girl, that's just like you...the students at King's are all saying the same thing. Papers are due, exams are coming, last week of classes! I hear it constantly. And you know what I tell you all.
Start with something - anything, even the summation. I know you - you'll get it done, and done well.
I saw Pete last Saturday, he's looking fine (well, to an old married lady). I never did like the beard...
Anyway, hopefully your visa stuff worked out, although I can imagine you as an alien.
Bye for now, work hard. God Bless you and may His love inspire you.

7:51 PM  

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